Happy Wednesday!
So just last week I wrote about security, especially as it relates to your personal information and identity.
And how's this for timing... later that same day Lastpass, one of the password managers I recommended, was hacked.
Best laid plans and all...
So even when you're being careful and doing everything you can, life can still throw you a curve ball.
Which brings me to the subject of today's email and one of my favorite words:
It's defined as "brisk and cheerful readiness."
And according to this chart from Google, it's not a regular part of our collective vocabulary these days:
But whether you start to work "alacrity" into your conversations or not, I think the idea is worthwhile.
Here's an article I also shared last week about the benefits of optimism in investing and financial decision making. Though I'd argue that there's never a bad time or place for being optimistic.
I'm not suggesting a naïve optimism or Pollyannaish attitude, because whether it's your "secure" password manager getting breached, a sudden market drop, or scary diagnosis from your doctor, ________ happens (feel welcome to insert your expletive of choice).
Which brings us back to "alacrity."
We know that despite our best efforts to plan for a comfortable and confident future, we'll face challenges and obstacles along the way.
Life is uncertain.
It's not a matter of if but when we'll face life's headwinds and have to deal with "stuff" we'd rather just ignore.
But ignorance can be costly - financially and otherwise.
So I'd like to suggest an attitude of alacrity.
Be eager, cheerful, and optimistic about what's coming in your future - whether good, bad, or ugly.
It's coming regardless of your attitude, so why not rise to whatever challenges you may face with a smile and a positive, "I'm not going to let this get me down" chip on your shoulder?
Sure beats the alternative if you ask me.
And there's also the opportunity to recognize that things will get better.
One of my favorite all-time quotes comes from Churchill,
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
And while your version of "hell" might be a falling investment market or the ever-present uncertainty that's part of all our lives, know that while there's much to be optimistic about in the future, it will be a bumpy ride along the way.
So maybe think of the bumps and challenges and detours as your own personal adventure.
And whether you call it optimism, alacrity, positivity, or something else, who doesn't love a good adventure?
Hit reply and let me have it...
Links & things
Optimism and alacrity aside, 99.876% of everything I work on with clients can be boiled down to dealing with expectations vs reality. And sometimes there can be a Grand Canyon-sized gulf between the two. Here's a recent Morgan Housel article on the same:
I invite you to join me on Wednesday, December 14th at 12:30pm Eastern for a webinar about the use of advanced home equity strategies in retirement planning. Will be about 30 minutes + time for any Q&A. Register here:
And speaking of webinars, here's a recording of a recent webinar I hosted on the "Good, Bad, & Ugly of Medicare Drug Plans. Check it out here:
You should also check out this recent video conversation between myself, Natasha Berk, and Lisa Kaufman, where we discuss different senior living and care options and the considerations that go into this important decision making process:
Thank you, as always, for reading.
And if you have any questions or an idea for a future newsletter, blog post, or YouTube video, I'd love your input.
Just hit reply - I read (and appreciate) every email you send.
Until next Wednesday,