An unhappy retirement
Good morning!
Tennis star Serena Williams recently announced her retirement from tennis.
In this Marketwatch article (which references her Vogue cover story), Williams says about retirement,
"There is no happiness in this topic for me … I hate it."
She goes on to say,
"I know that a lot of people are excited about and look forward to retiring, and I really wish I felt that way."
But here's the thing...
According to a quick Google search, Williams has an estimated net worth of $260 million. And her husband is no slouch with his own estimated net worth of $70 million.
So clearly, the absence of happiness related to her retirement from professional tennis isn't driven by money, or lack thereof.
This is very public example of the fact that even if you have your retirement finances all lined up, there's much more to retirement (think your time, talents, & energy) that also need to be considered and planned for.
So even if you're not:
retiring from a professional sports career
worth more than $250 million
married to a wealthy tech founder
unhappy about transitioning into retirement...
Please think holistically about your retirement and what will make you happy - leading up to retirement and beyond.
Your money is just a part of retirement planning.
An important part, for sure, but still just one of several ingredients in the recipe to happiness and fulfillment in retirement.
Annual Conference
So I'm typing this on Thursday, September 8th. It's a cool, breezy morning, and we just got back from taking Winnie for a walk.
This Sunday I make my annual trip up to Richmond, Virginia, for my parent company's annual advisor conference.
I'll be back in the office next Wednesday.
I encourage you to visit this page on my website and watch the short (just over 60 seconds) video that provides a nice overview of why Wealthcare is different than traditional financial planning and advice.
I'm looking forward to seeing many of my colleagues and teammates in person. They all do a world-class job supporting my efforts to take care of my clients like you.
Links & things
Thanks to Susan, one of my readers for pointing out this recent Wall Street Journal article. Regardless of where you are on your retirement journey, I always appreciate a peek inside people's personal finances. Maybe you will too:
In this 2nd episode of "Financial Planning in Public" I continue to build out Lillian's financial plan. This installment covers the impact of inflation on your planning, clarifying her retirement goals, considering college funding for her granddaughter, Lucy, and the role investment risk plays in her plan. Check it out here:
Financial Planning in Public #2 - Building the Plan (continued)
This video is about 10 minutes long.
If you're having trouble seeing details on the screen, here's how you can go full screen with YouTube.
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Thank you, as always, for reading.
And if you have any questions or an idea for a future newsletter, blog post, or YouTube video, I'd love your input.
Just hit reply - I read (and appreciate) every email you send.
Until next Wednesday,