Good morning, and Happy New Year!
A question:
What will you do differently in 2022?
I'm not asking what you'll do better.
This isn't about fleeting resolutions or how you hope things will turn out for you in the months ahead...
No, I'm asking what will you do that's different.
And here's why...
I've heard the following definition of insanity attributed to Albert Einstein:
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
Put another way, what are going to stop doing that's not working for you?
This could be your diet, your exercise, or other popular promises we make to ourselves this time of year.
But it could also be about your relationships, your personal finances, or how you spend your unstructured time.
I encourage you to give it some thought and be deliberate about it.
It's your life, and you're the one responsible for living it the way you want to.
And helping you live your life on purpose is really what's at the heart of financial life planning. And it's why I love my work so much!
Get in touch if you'd like to talk about it...
Links & Things
I read this article recently and it's really lingered with me. Give it a read and let me know what you think. It's about opportunity cost and "attention thresholds" as you build personal wealth.
And I've continued with my podcast series on caregiving. Listen to the latest two episodes here, both with Lisa Kaufman and Laura Jalbert:
Thank you, as always, for reading.
And if you have any questions or an idea for a future newsletter, podcast, or blog post topic, I'd love your input.
Just hit reply - I read (and appreciate) every email you send.
Until next Wednesday,