Hang In There... It's Almost Over
Happy Wednesday!
Just a couple more weeks, and 2020 will be in our collective rear-view mirrors. And I suspect you'll be happy to say buh-bye to the year that was 2020.
I started to say 2021 can't be worse than 2020, but I don't want to be proven wrong. 🤞
Despite Covid and the sweeping impact it's had on all our lives, I look to the future with optimism. I hope you do too!
Thanks, as always, for reading...
This week, I want to share a couple of things:
Membership Has Its Privileges
As a subscriber to my email newsletter, I'd like to remind you that it grants you direct access to me.
Of course, those of you who are clients should know by now that you can (and should) always reach out to me if you need anything or have something you'd like to discuss.
But for those of you who aren't clients yet 😉 I encourage you to reply to this or any of my weekly Wednesday emails if you have a question or would like to bounce something off me. Your emails come directly to my inbox and I read each one. And of course, anything we discuss is confidential.
If, after exchanging an email or two, it makes sense to have a phone or Zoom call, I'm happy to schedule that with you.
So don't be a stranger, OK?
End Of Year Checklist
As we quickly speed toward the end of 2020, I wanted to share a PDF checklist with you.
It's called "What Issues Should I Consider Before The End Of The Year?"
You can download it here.
It addresses a variety of financial areas and topics.
If it prompts any questions or concerns for you, please see the section immediately above. (Hint: get in touch!)
Thought I'd Seen It All
My tweet from this past Sunday pretty much explains it:
While I should have snapped a pic with my phone, you'll have to take my word for it. Elizabeth and Winnie were there and are willing to back me up on this.
So yeah, 2020 continues to be a strange year.
The Curious Case Of Wine
This is a lengthy but interesting read:
Does expensive wine taste better? — kenthendricks.com In 2002, four Wall Street businessmen sat down for dinner at the Balthazar in New York City. They ordered a Mouton Rothschild 1989 for the table. The Balthazar menu lists this wine at $2,000. It’s not hard to see why.
Whether you're a wine drinker or not, there's some fascinating data about behavior and decision making when it comes to wine. Consider this a mini-course in psychology, marketing, pricing, and more.
Personally, I like pinot noirs and red blends 🍷 and Elizabeth likes chardonnays and other whites.
How about you? Hit reply and let me know if you like white, red, or something else entirely.
And if there's anything else on your mind, wine-related or otherwise, I invite you to email and let me know how I can help or if you have a request for a future topic in this weekly email.
Until next Wednesday,
P.S. - I'm an "independent" or "indie" financial advisor. This simply means that I don't work for one of the huge, global brokerage or bank firms (though I used to). This is somewhat similar to "indie" music... artists who typically aren't signed to a huge recording label and don't get much, if any, radio play. While I love all sorts of music, I especially enjoy discovering new indie music. So I thought I'd share some with you from time to time. This week, I'd like to introduce you to a New York band called "A Beacon School" and their track "It's Late" 🎵 Let me know what you think and enjoy the rest of your week!