Financial decision making is really the synthesis of your ideas, opinions, fears, concerns, history, emotions, financial resources, and more.
But that's not the only "synthesis" I want to share with you today.
See more below 👇
And thanks, as always, for reading.
Welcome to the New School
You've heard of Elon Musk, right?
He's the brash, unapologetic creator of Tesla automobiles, SpaceX reusable rockets, pioneering battery technology, and solar power solutions.
Oh, and he wants to go to Mars.
But something you might not know about Mr. Musk is that he created his own school for his children.
Not satisfied with the available educational options for his kids, he's invented a new option.
And now, his educational creation is going to be more widely available... to everyone's children.
And it's called Synthesis.
If you're curious about this like I was, then I suggest you go to this page to watch the videos and read more:
Synthesis — Ana Lorena Fabrega —
The path for Synthesis opened up six years ago when Elon Musk walked into parent-teacher conference night… He asked Josh Dahn, who taught his kids at the time, if he would be interested in starting a small lab school at SpaceX.
And here's the actual Synthesis website if you want to explore further.
Sounds interesting to me.
Reader Feedback
In last week's letter, I mentioned the Federal tax filing extension.
A couple of readers replied and pointed out that while Federal tax filing has been extended to May 17th, quarterly estimated tax payments have not. They are still due on April 15th.
So if you're making quarterly estimated payments, make sure you're still making this quarter's payment by April 15th.
Also, many states, including Georgia, have also extended the tax filing deadline to May 17th.
Plan accordingly.
I'm not a Costco member, but know that many of you are.
If you've ever been curious about how and why Costco does things the way they do, you might find this video worthwhile:
Think about the psychology Costco is relying on to keep their members in the store longer so they'll buy more stuff.
Now, think about the psychology that the media and advertisers use to get you to consumer more media and buy more stuff.
There's even an element of this that carries over to the "fear & greed" marketing behind the financial media and their advertisers.
You're Getting Old
This is a fun tool that was shared with me a while back.
Enter your birthdate and hit "go"
How old are you getting? Let us explain it properly! —
Reply and let me know what you thought was the most interesting reference from the "In Your Past" section for your birthday.
Until next Wednesday,
Postscript: Have a wonderful day today!