Trusted contact
Good morning!
And first off, thank you!
Many of you replied to last week's email with interest in and support of my "planning in public" idea. So stay tuned for more...
Today I'd like to introduce the idea of a "trusted contact"
As you can read in this FINRA article, as a regulatory body, they encourage everyone to designate a trusted contact on your investment accounts.
Here's more on the topic, this time from Schwab.
And Fidelity mentions the benefits of appointing a trusted contact in this article.
If you're a client and would like to add a trusted contact to your accounts, please let me know. It just requires a single form and your signature.
If you're not a client, please consider adding a trusted contact to your accounts as well.
And if you have aging family or friends, you might pass this email along to them as well.
To be clear, a trusted contact isn't a power of attorney. They can't act or make financial decisions on your behalf.
They can, however:
Confirm your current contact information
Confirm your health status
Confirm the contact information for other authorized parties
Discuss urgent, unusual account activity or other possible red flags
This is just a good practice to ensure that your financial interests are being protected.
Any questions? Just hit reply and let me know.
Links & things
In response to my email from a couple of weeks ago, one of my readers replied with a wonderful quote:
"Positivity is not an unrealistic expectation that everything will always be OK, but a belief that no matter what happens, I will be OK."
Plus, in addition to generally being happier and more pleasant to be around, apparently optimists live longer too!
As we've crossed over into the 2nd half of 2022, here are 10 thought-provoking questions for a mid-year reflection:
Thank you, as always, for reading.
And if you have any questions or an idea for a future newsletter, blog post, or YouTube video, I'd love your input.
Just hit reply - I read (and appreciate) every email you send.
Until next Wednesday,