What Wall Street's CEOs Don't Know Can Kill You: Michael Lewis
Click here for a great article from Michael Lewis.
His main point is about halfway through the article: "All of this raises an obvious question: If the market got the value of Bear Stearns so wrong, how can it possibly believe it knows even the approximate value of any Wall Street firm? And if it doesn't, how can any responsible investor buy shares in a big Wall Street firm?
At what point does the purchase of such shares cease to be intelligent investing, and become the crudest sort of gambling?"
But I think there's an even bigger question that needs to be asked . . . if these Wall Street firms who claim to be best positioned and informed to help investors plan for their long term goals and financial independence don't understand or respect the relationship between risk and reward on their own balance sheet, how can you expect them to take care of your hard earned savings and investments?