Always enjoy reading your posts. This one was also interesting. However, in the back of my mind, while reading it, I kept thinking there's one very important thing to consider. What can I afford? I would guess that many people researching things online (or elsewhere) are doing so because they don't have the choice of hiring a professional. Many of us are more or less "forced" to DIY or put off things because we just don't have the money right now. We are good with money, not deeply in debt. Just one of the many who are lower or middle class. Obviously when it comes to my health I won't take chances, always a professional, and not put things off. Financial and estate planning is a stretch these days. Saving up my pennies and hopefully soon can afford to consult an attorney to at least set up wills for hubby and me.

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You're absolutely right, Suzie!

Affordability is important, and financial advice is no exception.

For your estate planning, there are some affordable options like https://trustandwill.com/. I've had clients use this for their estate planning...

If you ever want to discuss things, I'm happy to without cost or obligation 😉

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Thank you. What we're really dealing with right now is hubby's retirement at the end of this month. He's a government employee. Wow, what a pain in the neck the WEP and GPO are. Also we are trying to figure out health insurance. It's very different for federal employees from what we understand. We've been told to still go ahead and sign up for Part B (we both have already signed up for Part A when we turned 65).

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Best wishes with your husband's transition to retirement in the coming weeks. And Happy Thanksgiving!

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