Hi, I’m Russ.

I’m a financial advisor based in Atlanta, GA, and I currently work with about 60 clients across the country.

I’ve been a personal financial advisor for 30+ years years and focus on helping women get ready for and transition smoothly into retirement, care for their families, protect their wealth, and most importantly — live great lives.

Why subscribe?

If you’d like to read my thoughts about the intersection of our lives and our money including topics like retirement, taxes, investing, lifestyle, and more, I invite you to subscribe to my Wealthcare for Women weekly emails…

And you’re always welcome to reply to any email and we can start up a conversation.

If you want to read past issues, they’re all available right here.

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While I hope you’ll subscribe and stick around for a while, you can easily unsubscribe at any time. There’s an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email I send.

Just like you, I hate SPAM, so you won’t get any of that junk from me.


If you’d like to reach out with a question or to discuss something, you have a few options:

And as I mentioned above, if you’re a subscriber you can simply reply to any of my weekly emails and your message will land in my personal inbox.

Subscribe to Wealthcare for Women

A weekly column about retirement planning for women


I help women in their 50s and 60s retire with comfort and confidence